Solo – Tawangmangu Day 1

Tuesday, 23 February, 2010

8:30 am

Arrived at Adi Sumarmo Airport, Solo. After immigration and custom clearance had a instant ABC coffee outside the terminal building for Rp 10k. Took a taxi to Tirtonadi bus terminal for Rp 55k. Paid Rp 9k for bus ride from Tirtonadi to Tawangmangu. At Tawangmangu was approached by a runner and brought me to Santoso Mulyo (meaning Honourable Always) Hotel. Just 70 metres away from the Grojogan Sewu Waterfall, I was told. Van ride to hotel cost Rp 10k and paid Rp 120k for two nights stay. Had a light meal of instant noodle for Rp 5k and two glasses of coffee.

11:00 am

No internet access, sleep and rest for the day.

4:00 pm

Woke up and had a shower. Went out but it was almost sunset and cloudy, went back to room. A while later I intended to have a look around but it rained slightly. Instead, had dinner of nasi goreng. Asked for coffee but was given chrysanthemum tea instead. After dinner the rain had stopped, went out to the main road to have a look-see at the surrounding. Quite a very large number of budget hotels in the neighbourhood. Not much activity there at that hour. Took some night photographs. Few vehicles passed by to give that streaking lights. One and at some lucky times two vehicles passed by once in a while. No complaint. This is not a big town.

8:15 pm

Back in hotel room and type the day events while charging the notebook and camera batteries.

Here’s the pic.

Jalan Raya Lawu near Beji